2024 Velocity Healthcare Data Breach Report

2024 Velocity Healthcare Breach Report by Stern Security

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Publications, Research

In its third annual healthcare data breach report, Stern Security has critically analyzed over 5,900 data breaches since the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began tracking the information in 2009. Stern Security utilized data from their HealthcareBreaches.com website as well as published information from HHS to create this comprehensive 2024 Velocity Healthcare Data Breach Report. Stern Security augmented the HHS data by investigating every breach in 2023 to fully understand the cause of the incident.

This report shows critical insights into healthcare breach trends over the past 14 years. It covers everything from the number of breaches attributed to ransomware to the number attributed to third-parties (business associates). This year, Stern Security has added a new breach categorization – the number of breaches due to the MOVEit file transfer software vulnerability. Review the report to see the significant impact that the MOVEit 0-day had on the healthcare industry. Once again, multiple breach milestones were set with more healthcare breaches occurring and more records exposed in 2023 than any previous year. This report puts forth the detailed analysis.

We sincerely thank our sponsors, Trend Micro and the Raleigh ISSA Chapter, whose contributions enable the ongoing pursuit of this important research and the free sharing of our findings.


The full 2024 Velocity Healthcare Data Breach Report can be downloaded below.

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