You Don't Have to Guess
the ROI of Your Security Program

Security teams use Velocity to track their security projects,
measure the impact on security posture, and share data-driven
insights with stakeholders.
Cyber Risk Quantification Illustration graph

How it Works

Gain visibility into the true risk that your organization faces and receive
expert recommendations on reducing risk.

Internal Risk Assessment

Internal Risk Assessment

Measuring your organization’s security posture starts with a risk assessment. Utilize 20+ security frameworks, evidence collection, and verifications from our analysts for your next assessment. Gain access to interactive dashboards and reports to show your maturity over time.



Internal Risk Assessment

Third-Party Risk Assessment

Security teams use Velocity to automate completing and verifying third-party risk assessments, freeing up valuable time. Our analysts collect and verify vendor evidence, giving you the most efficient and accurate assessments. Additionally, Velocity performs automated SOC 2 report reviews, sets minimum requirements for vendors, and tracks vendor breach costs.

Internal Risk Assessment

Cyber Risk
Insight & Recommendations

With Velocity Insights, companies can receive prioritized initiatives to increase security posture, cyber product recommendations based on a company’s unique environment, estimate costs, perform project planning, visualize impact of future security project initiatives, and show cyber ROI. 


Show ROI with in-depth cost tracking

Show ROI with in-depth cost tracking

Security is often seen as a cost center, and its difficult to measure the impact of investments. Velocity enables security terms to optimize spend by tracking one time and ongoing costs. It also forecasts the impact of investments on your security posture specific to your frameworks.
Crowdstrike Insights<br />
Impact, Cost, Resources

Personalized product recommendations to optimize tooling

Based on your internal risk assessment and security frameworks, get custom recommendations on which products can improve your security posture. Velocity will also consider your current security providers, and highlight overlaps in functionality, so you can consolidate tooling.

Track security projects and the impact on your security posture

Track security projects and the impact on your security posture

Create visibility, communicate the value of security projects, and forecast improvements on your security posture. When you commit to projects in Velocity, you can see the compliance impact it will have on each of your frameworks, which will also impact your Velocity Score, an overall measure of your current security posture.

Velocity Score (87)

Measure the Impact of Your Security Efforts

Velocity score is a proprietary measurement tool of 0-100 that weighs data from your internal risk assessment, industry data from breach reports, and proprietary threat intel research.

The Velocity Score is a tangible tool for measuring the impact of security improvements.

Features & Benefits

Return on Investment (ROI)

Show Cyber ROI

Display how your cybersecurity spend is affecting your security posture

Optimize Cybersecurity Costs

Select cyber products and projects based on their impact and cost.  Track one-time costs, ongoing costs, and resource usage.

Product Recommendations

Gone are the days where companies choose cyber products from static reports based on the average company. Select products based on personalized recommendations based on your company’s unique environment.

Track Projects

Track estimated breach costs of your third-parties based on the amount and type of data involved

Web Application

Estimate Resource Usage

For each cyber project, Velocity gives the ability to list the number of resources and estimated time to complete.

Demonstrate Product Consolidation

Velocity maps the coverage of cybersecurity products so organizations can track product overlap.

“Velocity has been a game-changer for our organization. Prior to implementation of Velocity, vendor security assessments required significant time and effort, only to produce results that weren’t consistent nor measurable. Internal assessments were managed through a myriad of spreadsheets. With Velocity, we have a tool that allows us to seamlessly transition from assessment to identifying where our time and money should be allocated to make the most improvement, as well as, produce reports to track and report on progress towards improving our security posture.”

Andy A.

Utilities Company

Quantify Risk and Show Cyber ROI

See how Velocity can evaluate and quantify your cyber risk today